Industrial Truck Catalog

June 28, 2016

Project Name: Industrial Truck Catalog
Client: Sun Industries (in-house)
Type: Print Design
Tools: PhotoshopIllustratorIndesign

This was a catalog for the industrial vehicle product lines. There was a previous redesign across all the catalogs to create a unified style, and this was the final style update completed around the fourth quarter. The layout of the inner pages worked well for the purposes of these catalogs, they were in a format that presented the needed information and wasn't difficult to update. The most visible change were the covers. Played with creating icons based on product images, tried making them in 3D and as 2D vectors. In the end people liked the vector product icons more, so developed a simple design for the covers based around the icon style.

Catalogs like these are used by companies to find specific products they need manufactured, so I tried to keep things simple and clean to make easy for the reader to track down parts numbers. These product catalog projects have a ton of content that is regularly updated, so I ended up relying on exporting CSV files from spreadsheets and using the data import functions of inDesign to make updating the content easier.

Front Cover Table of Contents Product Listings Page Product Listings Page (2) Product Code Listing Back Cover Pre-redesign Cover